Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How to Develop Powerful Coach Language

What to Say in 6 Scenarios 

to Empower Your Athletes

A sports coach is in a unique position to help reprogram an athlete's entrenched thought-patterns that limit performance...

...sometimes that requires a SHIFT in the athlete’s BELIEFS and INNER DIALOGUE.  
Getting them INVOLVED in the solutions is IMPACTFUL
HOW you language it is SIGNIFICANT.

Going over "business as usual" with Coach Mark Wetmore.
         As a strong young age-group runner, my coach started putting me in races with post-collegiate women to find suitable competition. At the slender age of 15, I had lungs and legs and not much else. Amazonians effortlessly cruised down the track lanes warming-up, then towered over me as we toed the line. Needless to say, I was nervous and intimidated every time. What my coach said to me in those moments really helped my head, and I still use this phrase with the young athletes I coach today. He would say, "The work is done. Go out there and take care of business as usual." In this brief phrase he made the day feel like any other, and it helped me relax and focus. 
          Coach language—what we say to athletes and how we say it—is one of the most powerful coaching tools you can develop. Although there is a lot of information out there about how to train athletes, there is very little on specific communication. Remember that how you talk to them also models how they can talk to themselves—that inner voice that makes or breaks an athlete. Words need to send the right message, leave openings for possibility, and spark non-judgmental curiosity in athletes, not break them down. The following scenarios and what to say can help you communicate with your athletes in ways that serve their emotional development and self-worth, which, of course, fuels grit, resiliency, and performance.

1. Beginning of the season:

•  I expect great things from you, and I’m here to help you find that out.
•  Mistakes are expected, and we’re going to learn from them.
•  I’m glad you made that mistake because you learned (how to better pace yourself, how to not let up at the finish).
•  I have high standards, and I know you can meet them.

2. Preface hard conversations with:

•  What I want to say is a little critical, but hopefully helpful. 
•  I wouldn’t go to the trouble of giving you feedback if I couldn't see your potential.
•  Based on what I’ve seen in you so far, you’re capable of a lot more than I saw today.

3. At the start of a workout/race:

•  I know you can do this, so we’re setting the bar high.
•  You haven’t even scratched the surface of what you can do as a runner. Let’s see what you’ve got in you today.
•  I’m going to push you today, because I know that when you’re pushed, you do amazing work.
•  I’m going to ask a lot of you today, because I know that when you push yourself, you do amazing work. 
•  Whatever happens today is not good or bad news about you. It’s just information. And we’re going to look at that.
•  Stay relaxed and go out there and take care of business as usual.

4. When athletes perform well through hard work:

•  I’m proud of the effort you put in to improve your time(s).
•  Great job! You used some smart strategies to get through that (workout, race, issue with your teammate).
•  Looks like you worked really hard to get through that workout/race.
•  I can tell you really pushed yourself out there today.

5. When athletes face disappointment, failure, or injury:

•  OK, so you didn’t run what you wanted. Let’s look at what we learned.
•  Let’s focus on this. What parts of the workout/race did you do well in? What was hard for you today?
•  What did you do on your own to prepare for this? What can you add/get rid of for next time?
•  Is there anything you could have done differently?
•  You’re just not where you want to be YET, but it will come.
•  You didn’t do as well as you had hoped, AND we know some things we didn’t know before.
•  There are a lot of things you can’t do right now. Let’s focus on what you can.
•  Everyday gets you closer to your goals.
•  You can still work hard. We just need to recalibrate your goals.

6. When athletes perform well with little effort:

•  It looks like you weren’t really challenged today. Based on your strengths, how can you push yourself more?
•  It looks like you have that workout/pace/strategy down. How can we add to this to get more out of you?
•  The good news is that looked pretty easy for you today. Let’s tighten the screws a little bit next time to get you to the next level.
•  This workout shows you’re ready for the next level. We’re going to step it up next time.

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